A Lyapunov type invariance theorem for the Boolean asynchronous dynamical systems, Acta et Commentationes, Exact and Natural Sciences, nr. 2(8), pp. 84-91, 2019



Mathematical Subject Classification (2010): 94C10, 06E30, 70G60

Keywords and phrases : Boolean asynchronous dynamical systems, Lyapunov type theorem, invariance of the sets

The asynchronous circuits from digital electronics are modeled by Boolean asynchronous dynamical systems, consisting in functions Φ:{0,1}n→{0,1}n that iterate their coordinates Φ1,...,Φn independently on each other. The purpose of this work is to give a Lyapunov-Lagrange type theorem that characterizes the invariance of the sets A ⊂ {0,1}n in the case of these systems.