On the generalized technical condition of proper operation of the Boolean asynchronous systems, Applied Sciences, Vol. 21, pp. 253-263, 2019



Mathematical Subject Classification (2010): 94C10, 06E30, 94C05

Keywords and phrases : generalized technical condition of proper operation; Boolean asynchronous system

The coordinates Φ1,...,Φn of the functions Φ:{0,1}n→{0,1}n are iterated independently on each other, in general, generating the so called Boolean asynchronous systems. The dynamics of these systems is unpredictable, since the computation durations of Φ1,...,Φn are not known and variable. The generalized technical condition of proper operation of Φ gives conditions under which the behavior of these systems is, in some sense, predictable. We give several equivalent definitions of this concept and we characterize it versus duality, iterations, predecessors and successors, isomorphisms and antiisomorphisms.